Bringing Out Even More Of That Greatness In You

... just take a different look at the world around you.
… just take a different look at the world around you.

When would you say is a good time to think about your future? I’d say “Yesterday and if you can’t do it yesterday then do it today at the latest.”  Huh? What if you were born with a unique and powerful talent that you have not yet discovered, one that just might have a positive impact on thousands of lives? What if that is what gives you that frustrated, sort of unsatisfied feeling that creeps up on you when you look at what you have accomplished at the end of a day?  What are you currently doing to discover and utilize  that special undeveloped talent?  May I suggest that you just take a different look at the world around you. What unique skills have you discovered that you have? What do you love doing? I’ve heard people tell me “When I retire I’m not going to do anything.  Nothing at all.”  And I figure they either change their thinking or they won’t be around very long. When locomotive engineers with railroads used to retire at around sixty five or seventy their life expectancy was six months. I just hope I can keep on learning new things until that day I die.

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