The Christmas Party

This is a good time for all of us to become brother and sister's keepers...

The year was 1948 but it could happen today. I had an office job for a railroad in Detroit and it was a very special event. The annual Christmas party. Our boss came out of his office and placed a bottle of good bourbon on the beverage table, wished everyone a Merry Christmas and left.  As soon as he got out of sight the party began.  I was nineteen years old.  Everyone got a drink, we raised a toast to one another and the next thing I knew a kind bus driver was helping me off his bus. I’d ridden to the end of the line and on the way back he stopped between streets at the alley behind our house and somehow I staggered down that alley and made my way home. Perhaps my Guardian Angel loaded me on that bus. It is still a mystery to me. This is a good time for all of us to become brother and sister’s keepers and make certain that everyone enjoys a blessed, safe Holiday Season.

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