Winning the Safety Commitment

Winning the Safety Commitment – SPECIAL OFFER!

Today or never. My life’s work.

What I am about to tell you could improve your performance in the safety field and upgrade the performance of your entire organization.

Today I had a strong young man come over and work for hours sorting out books in my garage. The garage has never had a car inside it. I’m working on that.  We discovered 362 copies of my book Winning the Safety Commitment. That is 14 cases with 28 in each case. That’s what remains of a printing of 5,000.  What I wish every corporate safety director would do right now is order a case and distribute them to everyone in his or her organization that conducts safety meetings. The book is crammed full of stuff that will improve your meetings and when you figure out how much money is spent paying the salaries of those attendees it becomes mind boggling.  I’ve had so many organizations order this book by the case. GM did. Du Ponte did. The power companies did, a lot of them.  Petrol companies did.  All of the Armed Forces have used it.  The book sells for just $29.95 plus $7 shipping.  Order it and I will send you a bill.  If you take my advice and order a full case I will send it to you for a total of just $500 and I will pay the shipping.

I’ve been in the safety field since 1948. The first day I was shown photos from a bus-train disaster. I’ve been doing everything in my power every day since then trying to prevent such tragedy.  In 2002 The National Safety Council gave me their highest award presented to an individual for my contributions to the safety movement; The Distinguished Service To Safety Award. I wasn’t even a member and still they awarded it to me.  This book contains much of the material I developed and it will work in your organization.  Just send me an purchase order or an e-mail with your order to me at  You can check me out at  Have a happy holiday and a better New Year by ordering today. You can call me direct at 919 732 6994.

1 Comment

  1. Good Day, I am a new safety manager for a construction company and came across a reference to your book Winning the Safety Commitment, I am hoping you still have a copy to sell me, if so please send to 7004 Beach Dr, Seattle WA 98136, my phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx if you would like to get payment information up front.

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