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Your Very Best

I was watching the finals of the women’s figure skating competition of the Vancouver Olympics on TV and  one skater after another performed at a higher level than they had ever achieved in their lifetime […]

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Weekly Memo

Almost Who?

I’ve been digging through some of the photos and mementos I have collected in over a half a century in the safety field and I started to realize that I have played a number of […]

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A Little Humor


Judge “And what were you doing in the early morning of August 27th, 2009?” “Your honor, I was driving home from a New Year’s Eve party.”

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Filling Space

When I approached this newsletter this morning there was this big blank space where an article was supposed to be and suddenly I had this weird impulse to just skip over to one of the […]

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Seymoure The Ant

A delightful story about Seymour the ant as only Art Fettig can tell it. Art has been telling this little story to amazed audiences all over the world demonstrating how they also can explore the […]