
Why Run?

I watched most of the recent Democratic Presidential Candidates’ Debate and then asked myself “Why would anyone in their right mind want to become President?”  Fame? Glory? Prestige? Money? The basics – food, shelter, clothing, […]


One Day

One day a school teacher wrote on the board the following:  9×1=7  9×2=18  9×3=27  9×4=36  9×5=45  9×6=54  9×7=63  9×8=72  9×9=81  9×10=90  When she was done, shelooked to the students and they were all laughing at her, because of the first equation which was wrong, […]


Job Application

Jean and I innocently walked into a local Target Store and at the front of the store they had a table with three young ladies recruiting new employees to work this Christmas season.  The store […]


Growing Up

I heard the expression just the other day. “When are you going to grow up?”  Fortunately it was not directed at me this time.  Still, if I had to answer I might have admitted that […]