Where did you go to school?

mathI have been asked that all my life it seems and I still don’t have a good answer. I went to the University of Detroit when I was fifteen years old. I had a job there carrying the mail around the campus that summer. I went to Indiana University and earned a Certificate of Recognition in Audio Visual Production.  I went to Purdue University twice and the second time I received a plaque from the Pest Control Association. When I went to Michigan State University I marched in with all the faculty and dignitaries and some of them wore funny hats and tassels. I addressed the Governor and his wife, and the House of Representatives and the farm lobbyists. At Buffalo University I spoke at the Creative Problem Solving Institute on Humor and Creativity. They inducted me into some sort of group with a Latin name.  I went back to Notre Dame University about a dozen semesters to speak for a Psychology class. There professor thought it was a good idea. And I went to University of Michigan and spoke for one of their Alumni groups.

Oh, there was Ames University in Iowa, Ball State in Indiana, Bryant State in Rhode Island, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kalamazoo College, Kellogg Community College, Nazareth College, Northern Michigan University, Western Michigan University, Oakland University, Olivet College, and at St. Mary’s College in South Bend.

And what did I learn, kind Sir or Madam? I learned that there are a lot of interesting people around those places and when you get them into a meeting room or a classroom or whatever and give them a good presentation that they all turn out to be wonderful audiences.

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