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AA Almost Andy

I have a sort of an anniversary coming up on August 13th.  The other night I did two thirty minute stand up comedy shows here in Hillsborough and a friend said to me, “Do you […]

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Today the process of mentoring is quite popular but in the very early seventies when Herb True a professor at Notre Dame University first began mentoring me even the word “mentor” was not in common […]

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BP People

Sometimes when I get mad at a big corporation I forget that there are a lot of fantastic, wonderful, caring people who work for that organization.  Perhaps you have done that in the past too.  […]

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My 81st

Eighty One years old today and just what have I learned in that time? Not a whole lot.  I can’t understand the war in Afghanistan.  I can’t figure out how BP did such a rotten […]

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“Learn to unlearn.” Benjamin Disraeli. I had a friend named Ray Motsavatge and he was a memory expert. Every week he would memorize the entire current issue and then he would tear up the magazine […]