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Weekly Memo

Automatic Learning

I went to a five family yard sale out in the country today. It was about eight miles from my home.  For two dollars I purchased a Sears Solid State Cassette Recorder in perfect condition.  […]

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Weekly Memo

Loving what you do

Somewhere I read a study that suggested that there is a direct relationship between loving what you do and doing your work in a truly professional manner. In other words, if you find that you […]

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Thomas Edison once said, “Discontent is the first necessity of progress.” As I ponder this thought I look back and see that most of our world’s progress occurred because some folks, somewhere, had a burr […]

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What if?

What if this was my company and I was in charge of safety? “MONTCOAL, W.Va. (April 5) — The blast occurred around 3 p.m. at Massey Energy Co.’s sprawling Upper Big Branch mine as nine […]