Being Touched


As I was thinking about what I was about to write I caught myself staring at the wall beside my computer but seeing nothing. Just staring into space, searching for a creative spark, sort of, and when I focused in I realized that I was staring at the thirty plus photos of family, friends and business associates who had played an important role in my life.  There was an eighth grade English Teacher, A Notre Dame Professor, A railroad president, three graphic artists, a friend who had served two terms in Jackson Prison, a physical fitness instructor,  a flamenco guitarist, a Success Rally entrepreneur , a blind guy who sold soap door to door, a little old nun who’s book had been rejected for 20 years, a railroad yard foreman-philosopher, a play producer, video producers, a marketing genius, a banker, a musical genius. Oh what an array of talent! Of genius! Of kind, loving people who have touched my life in some way and made it better. There were photos of founders of associations for speakers, for communicators, people who in some way had a lasting impact on my life, many of whom had such an impact on many, many thousands of lives. 

These were the models and teachers and friends who appeared at times of my life when I needed them so desperately. Often these folks or their ideas came as an answer to a prayer. Some introduced me to a talent I might not have known I had or a way to put it to work in my life.  

Strange, isn’t it, how I was staring at that wall of photos this morning and seeing nothing and yet staring back at me were so many wonderful people with so many wonderful solutions if, yes If I would really look and listen and believe and learn to understand.  

Oh Lord, help me to look and see, to listen and hear, to discover ways to touch the lives of others in the way that so many in the past have touched my life and made it better. 

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