
A decade or two ago when I was on the road speaking a lot I used to go to bed early and plan to rehearse speech segments in my mind.  I would actually see myself out on a stage delivering prepared material.  Most of my speech segments ran about seven minutes and I had more than a hundred such critters at my beck and call.  Poems or song lyrics often played some part in my presentations.  Often when I found some free time I would do a run through ten, fifteen or so segments every day.  

Now, ever so often, I catch myself  mentally going through a drill of such material. Last night I’d been watching politics on TV and wanted to wash all that mess out of my mind and I caught myself doing a drill of material for a children’s presentation.  I recalled key words in this manner.  Yes, no, somebody, punctuality, etc. and then I recited first, my Just Say Yes poem and my Just Say No poem and then my Somebody poem, etc.  I did this with about ten poems in a row, no big deal, got thru them all without a hitch, smiled deep down inside and went to sleep. 

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