In God We Trust

In God We Trust

I’m sitting here at my desk in my office in my home here in the quiet woods in Hillsborough, North Carolina and I seem to be lost for the right words. I have written this segment again and again.These are troubled days for all Americans.

I have a $2 bill in my hand and on the back it states “Declaration of Independence 1776.” There is a painting of our forefathers gathered together to sign a document creating a new nation.  John Hancock was the first to sign and he signed it with a big stroke so all could see. I purchased a hundred of these $2 bills back in 1976 and when we traveled abroad I often gave them as tips in other nations.  I felt proud to be an American.  I was proud of what America had done and what America stood for. In small print on the back of this $2 bill it says “In God we trust”   Sounds good to me. 

As a nation we have come a long way. I now question where we are going. Let us pray that wisdom prevails.  

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