Icy Road

Bad Weather

As I look out my office window here in Hillsborough, North Carolina I see a Winter Weather Land. It is beautiful. The news reports say that snow has invaded the south and more is on […]

Art Fettig

A Writer?

Did you ever look back on your life and ask yourself, “What if I had done things differently?” I just looked at what I had written and started snickering to myself. What a can of […]

Joe No No

A Bad Example

I guess you could say that Father Skiffington, S.J. was my first Mentor. He was my English teacher in my junior year at the University of Detroit High School.  Somehow I had been named “Staff […]


A Substitute

One of my fondest memories as a speaker was the time I was called in by General Foods Management Club to substitute for Ewell Gibbons, a natural food TV celebrity. I lived right there In […]

Parade - Art Fettig

Watch how NC State Football helped salute the military this weekend, prior to the team’s game against the Syracuse Orange. [1] I wonder who is doing the opening salute?  Could it be Art Fettig? References: […]

Almost Andy

Being Almost Andy

For the past eight years, in a variety of situations, I’ve been performing as a character we named “Almost Andy.” For decades people have been remarking on how much I looked like Andy Griffith. On […]