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I Volunteered

I was drafted into the Army on April 9th, 1951, for the KOREAN POLICE ACTION. The first thing I learned was “Don’t volunteer for anything.” Pretty good advice. They would trick us. The Sgt. would […]

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Being Poetic

Poets might make strange bedfellows, although, right offhand I cannot recall ever getting in bed with one. I must confess that I feel very awkward in the company of folks who call themselves “poets.” In […]

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The Dream

How many times in your lifetime have you asked yourself, “Am I doing the right thing?”  If you were asking about the career path you have followed then I hope your answer might be “Absolutely […]

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Sharing Memories

For these past two weeks I have been walking down Memory Lane with my good friend Bill Tatroe, a man who has worked with me creating covers and illustrations for many of my published books. […]

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Touching Lives

“In a factory where mariner’s compasses are made,” wrote Dr. Orison Swett Marden, “the needles, before they are magnetized will lie in any position, wherever they are placed, but from the moment they have been […]

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Miracle Worker

What would you like to hear just before you hit the back door and head home from a powerful two or three day conference on safety? I always figure that the closing speaker has the […]