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Lunch Out

“Don’t do what I do, do what I say,” is an old quote and I am absolutely guilty when it comes to following up on things. The fact is that when I was full time […]

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Lately I have turned into a regular scatterbrain.  I’ve always been sort of disconnected when it comes to organization but recently I find that when I work on too many projects at one time, none […]

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For the Cause

Herb True PhD from Notre Dame was my mentor.  One time he walked onstage at a huge convention with a pistol and fired blanks  several times in the air and he said, “Nobody sleeps during my […]

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“What is happening, Man?”  In my youth I had been known to use that phrase.  And the correct response was “Ain’t no happenings, Man!”  We figured that was pretty cool and that goes back to the year […]

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Today, I had a flashback to a powerful scene near the end of the movie Schuler’s List. World War II had ended and now the scene shows Schuler about to depart the plant where he […]