

It was December 15th, 1989, my final speech booking of my busiest year yet as a professional speaker and I was booked for a full day of speeches in the Catskill Mountains in New York. […]


Just A Nudge

My daughter, Nancy, phoned today to say that she had been reading through the achieves of our newsletters and one article about how I called John Burdakin, the Vice President and then soon to be […]


Stayin’ Alive

Recently somebody asked me,”Art, what are your goals for 2017?” and I began singing that old Bee Gee’s song from 1977, “Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin alive, stayin alive. Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin alive.” […]



Yes, at our home that supermoon was peeping through the trees. They say that it was the largest, brightest full moon in nearly seven decades – as it made its way across the skies on […]