Did you ever get just so grateful about something or somebody that the joy just came out in a big smile. It is a bit like getting into a laughing situation where you just can’t stop laughing. I just love to get into that situation. It’s like getting gitty. As I recall from laughing experiences well over five decades ago, several rounds of beer often proceeded such occasions. The other day I was walking around a little park when I was full of joy over a kind deed a friend did for me.As I walked I began smiling at the whole world. It felt like a warm breeze on a cold day and I smiled my way clear on down to the corner and back. To the corner and back these days that is like a marathon for me. I saw maybe half a dozen people along the way and I noticed they were smiling back to me.
Next time you see me smiling that way will you do me a favor? Will you carry my smile of gratefulness on down to a few other people and you might encourage them to do the same. Who knows, we might discover that gratefulness is contagious. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful smiling world?
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