Is there anybody out there still reading this? I hope a few will respond. After watching the news one wonders. Leave your comments below near the bottom of the page.
In my life as a professional speaker, when I felt I was in over my head I would often call on the Holy Spirit for help in my speech I was sometimes amazed at the results. It wasn’t just in speeches though, it was also whenever I felt unsure I could come through a rough time in my life. I would pray for help from the Holy Spirit.
Right now we are all facing challenges we have never faced before. Once more I dug into my chest full of songs that I have written and recorded with Greg Brayton. :I never walked into Greg’s studio without coming out later with a whole new joyous feeling for living. I’m sending you our song titled “Let It Flow”. We both really got into this song when we recorded it. My hope is that one of you, our readers, will find it special and use it every day like I do. Let it lift up your spirits, give you hope and the energy and desire to get through another day and to do God’s will. Perhaps we Americans are facing lessons each day now that we cannot solve by ourselves. Yes let us do this together:
Let it flow
Let it flow
Let the Holy Spirit flow through you
Just let go and let it flow
Let the Holy Spirit flow through you
(Please listen.)
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