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What’s Buzzing

The Mosquito Ringtone is a high frequency ringtone that many adults can’t hear. This makes the Mosquito Ringtone a secret ringtone used by kids so adults (like teachers & parents) can’t hear their cell phones […]

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I used to go to New Orleans every ten years or so and 1999 not long before his death I was walking down Bourbon Street and there was a very plain sign in the doorway […]

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What Can I Say

I started writing this newsletter as a follow up to my presentations at the National Safety Congress at McCormick Place in Chicago in 1988.  It was a wonderful experience. They allowed me to present at […]

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Did you ever spend years preparing for a single goal such as competing in an Olympic competition? In any time in your life did you ever imagine yourself becoming the very best in your specific […]

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“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”  Albert Einstein wrote that and for me at this […]

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The Storyteller

Once upon a time (As far back as 1973 at the Michigan Safety Conference and 1978 for three consecutive mornings at the National Safety Congress) there was a story teller who told stories to safety […]