“The greatest untapped resource we have in this world is the human potential.” I’ve said that many times in many situations and I’m not certain who said it first but it is a mighty challenging thought. When one gets in the upper ages one might ponder those paths untaken.
I feel pretty good about those paths I’ve taken but still, there were so many other choices.
So This Is Hell
What if hell was a place where you were sent
At the end of your busy existence?
Where they’d set you down and they show you your life
And you couldn’t offer any resistance.
You’d see all your talents, parading along
All those special gifts you’d been given
And they’d show you all that you might have done
And then just how you’d been livin’.
Your life’s potential is there on parade
All those rare opportunities
And you’d see what you did and what you didn’t do
When you were offered these
And then when you witnessed how you’d performed
And all that you might have been
You’d be put in a room for eternity
Where you couldn’t perform again.
© Art Fettig 2019
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