If you don’t toot your horn then who will? One of the many schemes I employed when I worked for a corporation was to team up with a fellow who headed a different department. We were in charge of each others PR. When he or his department did something worth cheering then I lead the cheer leader squad within the company and he did the same for me. When we attended inter-department meetings we brought up each others special achievements. You know something, just because we had this arrangement, I believe we both went out of our way to really achieve something special worth mentioning. I think that if we thought we could get away with it we would have created special awards that we could award one another. It was interesting watching other department heads standing up and talking about their own and their departments deeds. They looked like braggarts or fools. We called this mutual selling. Don’t team up with anyone though, team up with a winner. Believe me, tooting somebody else’s horn works much better than tooting your own.
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