
Serenity! by Art Fettig

In my book titled “Serenity! Serenity! Living the Serenity Prayer“, Published in 1993, I tried to do just that… Live the Serenity Prayer.

God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change those things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 

It sounds so simple.  All you need is serenity, acceptance, courage and wisdom. Now stir in a quarter pound of hope plus a pound and a half of prayer and you might be prepared to go on for one more day.

1993.   That was the year my first wife, Ruthie, died. God bless her. We’d been married 37 years. Back then I had been working on The Serenity Prayer for 31 years.  I’m still working on it and I’m still sober.  I celebrated my 59th Anniversary just a week ago.

I am beginning to believe that the prayer and all that goes with it really works.  Have I found serenity? Well, not exactly but I am working on it and that for me is an achievement.  

May God bless our troops and bring us world peace. 

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