Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

Having the right tools is not enough.  We all need the knowledge of  how to use these tools.  So many times in my lifetime I have had the wrong tools or the right tools and the wrong or missing information.  Oh what I might have done with more education, more skill, more know how.

There have been times in my speaking career when I had a great message but a defective microphone or just an all around lousy sound system. I shudder when I remember that introduction by a Vice President of a Telephone Company who began his remarks by actually stating that all of the jobs of the members of that audience had been abolished and that they would be rehiring some of them that afternoon,  if they so desired but under less favorable terms of employment.  That heartless cur then turned to me as he said, “And now let me present our motivational speaker for this morning, Art Fettig.  I was motivated all right.  Right then I wanted to kill that S.O.B.  Instead I took a deep, deep breath and went into my challenging safety message. Nobody ever invented the kind of tools required for that job at that moment.

Ahh, as I adjusted my chair a bit I spotted another CD under a pile of papers. It appears to be blank and I am not sure from the looks of it whether it is a CD or a DVD.  Earlier in the day I had conceived the idea of making some copies of the new DVD I had received from a friend.  I wonder how I got sidetracked from that project?

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