Art Fettig Salute

Fellow Veterans

Saturday I had a marvelous adventure. I love adventures. I went to the North Carolina State football game. NC played Syracuse and won. That’s four games in a row. Amazing!  Even more amazing was that […]


Seeking Synergism

Did you ever dip into the meaning of the word “Synergism” synergism (noun) the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum […]


Storms and Sentiments

Sitting here in our peaceful home located in Hillsborough, North Carolina half way between the Blue Ridge mountains and the Atlantic Ocean watching weather reports recently as I have gone through varying degrees of interest. […]

Don't Forget


There are a lot of wonderful quotes around expressing the idea that all we have is today. That is becoming more and more important to me with each passing moment as I race forward into […]

Love Candles

Love Sweet Love

Once again there seems to be a whole lot of anger and hatred traveling around this nation of ours. What is that old slogan, “Divide and conquer?” Yes that’s it. Well, it appears to me […]