Let There Be Peace

Photo by Peter Lloyd

“Let There Be Peace On Earth: And Let It Begin With Me.” Vince Gill recorded that song years ago and every Christmas that song comes to my mind. Peace is very popular at Christmastime.”Peace be with you.” “And to you too, Brother.”

I visited an Alzheimer facility recently and approached a middle aged man who was holding his head. He looked really stressed out and hurting. I asked him if he was OK, if I could help. He said “All I want is someplace where I can have peace and quiet.” I asked him where was the most peaceful place he had ever found in his life.” He said he would have to give that some thought. I said that the most peaceful place I ever found was in my own mind but I had to really work at it. I’d think about a peaceful valley with trees and grass and a small stream. I’d be alone, just watching the water flow and I’d think about a peaceful world where everybody loved everybody and there was no war and people were at peace with one another and most importantly with themselves. That fellow who was holding his head looked relaxed and smiled at me and I said, “Now you have a good peaceful day.” I smiled back and went on my way. I felt much better about peace and goodwill and life in general. Peace be with you all.


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