

Synergy is that awesome, magical force that is somehow created when two people get together for a joint endeavor. I first encountered it when I met G. Herbert True, Ph.D. He was speaking for a […]


Memories of Zig

Sometimes it is a small world. Jean and I were getting our recommended weekly fish at a Seafood Restaurant in Durham and a gent sitting across the way smiled, got up and came walking over […]

Fettig Scratches Head


Unless my math is on the fritz, (and this late in the year it could well be) this should be our 52nd Monday Morning Memo of 2018. We started turning out newsletters back in 1988 […]



Have you ever discovered coincidences in your life?  77 years ago last Friday I was 12 years old and already a successful independent businessman. I ran a very small landscape organization and had two customers. […]


On Creativity

​Whenever I suspect that my creativity is ebbing I go back to what other masters of creativity have written about their own thoughts on this topic. Take for instance Isaac Newton who wrote “I do […]



I was just sitting here in my swivel chair looking at the stuff in my office. Some might call it clutter but to me it is a display of my best stuff and oh, the […]

Business Cards

Business Cards

Exciting Adventure I ordered some new business cards recently and they arrived in the mail yesterday and they sure brought back memories of long ago. It was in February, 1961 in Battle Creek, Michigan and […]


Dis Surgery

Lately I have noticed a lot of people walking around with sour faces and what they need is Dis Surgery. Here are some of the wonderful words that I favor. Let us begin with one […]